In between emptying the boxes and walking the dog I have set up my quilting room and have made great progress on my piece for the Tree Bird hop, my day is March 20. You will have to wait for those pictures.

We live in an area where there are lots of activities available through out the week. This week I signed up for a session on Card Making.

For a small fee the leader of the class/group brings all of the parts so that you can make 4 cards. It was a nice evening and I brought these home with me.

Great way to meet people with like interests.
Yesterday I went to a meeting of a group called Angel Snugs. It is a knitting and looming group who meet weekly to make hats for 38 pediatric oncology hospitals throughout the US. I had never tried looming, Well that is not entirely correct, as a child I remember having a wooden spool with 4 or 5 nails hammered into the top that I used to make long knitted chains .... I have no idea for what purpose,

Anyway I made the small hat as my sample during the session, maybe 2 - 2 1/2 hours.

I made the larger hat after stopping to get my own looms. Needed an excuse to get a new toy :-}

Again, another group of lovely ladies to chat with and learn about the area and things to be done as well as places to go. It was amazing how many of them also quilt.
I think I can be very productive here.