Monday, August 21, 2023

Call Me Crazy Hop

 Generally I'm just a normal  wonderfully sane individual, but like everyone else I have the occasional horrible days when your mind is wondering or isn't fully awake and you commit to something you would have run away from on any normal day. You know,  A CALL  ME CRAZY day.

The timing of this hop coincided with one of  THOSE days. 

I live in a ginormace  retirement community in Florida. There are over 2000 groups you can join that cover pretty much anything you can think of...crafts, sports, nationalities, schools, biking, music and on and on. most of the groups have some tie to doing something charitable at least once during the year. 

Earlier this year I joined a Machine Embroidery Quilting group.  In May they announced that the charity they would support this year involved a group that annually holds a charity auction of Christmas Trees fully decorated by different organizations. At the meeting (which started at 8:30 AM) they had a list of things needed to be done by the members.  Things like ornaments and tree topper and tree skirt.  Members were raising their hands as different items came up on the list until they got to the tree skirt. Nobody raised their hand.  After the request was made for the 3rd time, sleepy me raised my hand. After all how bad can it be, I've knocked out several tree skirts over the years. 

They wanted specifics for the next meeting.  When I raised my hand I didn't take into consideration that this was an "Embroidery" group and the skirt needed to represent that fact.

I googled embroidered tree skirts and found a beautiful pattern.  Problem was that I looked at it and thought it was an applique with some embroidery  pattern.  Found out after purchasing and downloading it that the only applique is the snow everything else is embroidered.

Each of the 12 panels is done individually and then they are sewn together. The last part stitched in each panel is the satin stitch outline.   If you don't have the piece hooped to the max this is the result

5 bobbin changes and 83 minutes of stitch time for this panel and it needs a do over. Calling me Crazy at this point is an understatement.

This issue happened to me 2 out of 12 times.  The one panel was lite on the embroidery compared to the others so I guess I got a little cocky (yes more crazy).  and not as careful in hooping.

Ok, off I go to the next meeting to find out that these trees have to be presented to the auction committee in early September to be  voted in or out.  I'm doing all this crazy stuff for something that may or may not happen. Told my sister about it and she volunteered to take it if we don't make the cut, actually she begged for it either way.

Next I have to sew the panels together. The instructions suggest using a zipper foot.  The problem was that when you stack satin stitch on satin stitch the 2 pieces don't stay stacked well.  I tried pins, clips and tape to no avail.  I ended up hand basting the pieces together and then going back and sewing with the zipper foot.  Yes, more CRAZY.

I am writing this on Sunday morning the day before I post this.  My goal is to sew the backing on and finishing this up.  I have been at this step all week and can't seem to get my crazy self motivated to just DO IT.   Probably because I'm afraid of what the next unforeseen issue will be.

Yes there was another issue found today.  The instructions said to attach the panels in order.  I numbered them on the back as I finished them.  There was another sentence after that, that I reread this morning after I was finished that said something like after she thought about it she left an opening to wrap it around her tree.  I had thought that and left an opening between panels 1 and 12.

Well I did all of my work from the back following the numbers. Laying out my finish carefully you can't tell where the opening is  but panel number 12 is the front of the sleigh therefore the opening falls between the sleigh and the first deer.  DUH

So I guess this was the absolute perfect project for this hop 

(but finished)

OK so I want to thank Joan for the push to get me this far with this project.  I do better with goals and due dates.  

I can't wait to see what makes us call the rest of this group crazy.  Please join in and find out.  Here is the list of Crazies participating.  Have a great day.


Monday August 21


Selina Quilts

Quilting Gail

Just Because Quilts

Words & Stitches


Tuesday August 22

Karrin’s Crazy World




Happy Cottage Quilter


Wednesday August 23

 Den syende himmel

Just Sew Quilter

Ms P Designs USA

Quilted Snail

MooseStashQuilting Guest Post


Thursday August 24

Just Let Me Quilt


Stitching Farm Girl

 Days Filled with Joy



  1. That is a gorgeous tree skirt. I love the blue fabrics. Blue and white are a nice color palette for the holidays, as well as red and green.

  2. Oh my goodness are you crazy or what??? I can't believe all that work and they aren't even sure they will use it. I sure hope they don't need more than one if they do! LOL!! Good grief, remind me NOT to buy that pattern. That being said, it is really pretty though. If your not busy you could make us all one. HAHAHAHAHA

  3. It's a beautiful skirt! I love the blue and white. But, I think I agree that either you were crazy or it made you that way. I would be a basket case if I tried to do that (having never used an embroidery machine)! I sure hope the powers that be don't reject that tree! Too much work involved for that! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Your project is stunning. It has a very frosty, wintery feel, not the traditional red and green for Christmas. Sad to know that your embroidery group will choose which entries to accept. Usually, all entries are accepted, especially if they are going to be part of an auction or donation. By the way, are you in The Villages? I am in Inverness, a member of two quilting guilds, and even though I don not embroider, I do admire the work of those who do. Thank you for posting your beautiful project.

  5. With you being the queen of machine embroidery and adventurous sewing, if this was difficult for you it would definitely be out of my league. I would need a strait jacket for the crazies it would have caused me. For all the challenges it gave you, it is an absolutely stunning and gorgeous tree it! The colors and designs are so elegant. If they don't choose this, they are the crazy ones! Thanks for sharing, Selina! xo

  6. What an adventure! I hate when I get myself into something like this, but it is beautiful. If they don't choose it they are foolish!

  7. If this was a competition, you might be the winner. I cannot imagine the frustration you experienced, but what a beautiful tree skirt! If the auction committee doesn't accept this skirt, they're the crazy ones!

  8. Crazy, crazy. I know how long machine embroidery takes. I can hardly believe there was an 'in' and 'out' on things that are volunteered for. NO MATTER WHAT, you are IN. It's a wonderful tree skirt even if you are a bit crazy!! Hey, put me in on the group that makes the decision so I can vote no and then just take it. LOL

  9. Beautiful skirt! Fantastic Crazy finish.

  10. Oh, my gosh, if you weren't crazy before, you must be now! It's absolutely beautiful, and if they don't vote that in, THEY are the crazy ones!

  11. Beautiful work and It's a win in my book! I'm making my way slowly back into blogging SO GOOD to see all my quilty online friends again!

  12. The tree is really pretty, Selina. I hope you let us know if the tree was voted in or out.

  13. Embellishments, crystal beads or shiny pearls, always add interest and cover up the ''oops'' in a project. I did that on one piece of quilted work and worked just fine.

  14. This is awesome! And you ARE crazy for doing it! Lol. Where in FL do you live?

  15. Oh wow.... no matter all the crazy that went into making it, it is amazing!!!! xx

  16. Gosh what a great project to take on - oh I feel for you with the not-so-good-craziness-stuff but really, it is beautiful and you are to be congratulated! Best of luck for a not so crazy finish.

  17. I don't embroider like this, but have friends who do and sometimes they curse the patterns for many of the 'crazys' like you had. They work it out and much like you - a beautifu, amazing project comes to a finish.

  18. Okay... I succumb. I'll call you crazy! But after seeing the finished embroidery skirt, it looks pretty darned wonderful. I think you did a great job and "you won't be voted off the island." Guess you'll have to make another one though, for your dear sister. :-) I also suggest you should be more selective about which clubs you attend. Ha, ha. Line dancing groups don't often sponsor charity activities!

  19. You persevered! And look at the beautiful tree skirt you made!

  20. Thanks for the valuable resources you've shared in this blog


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